HillFaith Blog: Good News for Hill Staffers

Welcome to HillFaith:Good News for Hill Staffers! This is where you’ll find two types of content:

First, fact-driven, thoroughly researched and often highly personalized Christian apologetics. Second, news and analyses about working on the Hill, including things like who's being promoted, what are the best (and worst!) offices to work for, salary information, and much else. 

 Here at HillFaith, we appreciate the importance, the challenges and the complexities of the work you do we are passionate about being a positive, informative resource for those in the trenches.

Most importantly, we want to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is alive and He is "the way, the truth and the life." He is also the key to living the abundant life. Not materially, but in the Truth that sets you forever free. 

Why Work On The Hill … If There’s No God?

If that seems like an apples-and-oranges kind of question posed in the headline, be assured that it’s not. Think about it: Why would anybody put in such long hours, usually for low pay and little or no recognition on the Hill unless they are convinced that doing so will somehow advance them towards something that…


So When Was The Last Time You Checked Your Unstated Assumptions?

You know what I mean; assumptions like if a person is a Harvard graduate, he or she must be smart. Or anybody who becomes a plumber or a carpenter isn’t likely to be reading philosophy at night. Or Texas really is God’s country. OK, maybe not that last one about the Lone Star State, but…


Do You Really Believe What You Say You Believe?

That headline above poses one of the most important questions anyone can ever ask themselves. Unfortunately, it’s too often one of the last questions all of us ask of ourselves. The question has a particular relevance for people working on the Hill. At the surface level, everybody in Congress, working for Congress, reporting on Congress,…


Monday’s Biggest Issue: Are These The Five Best Natural Arguments for God?

Talk to enough people over many years and you begin to get a sense of what are the most persuasive arguments for the majority of people who are either just doubtful about whether God exists or who are outright skeptics. Over at Reasons to Believe, Hugh Ross points to these five in his long experience:…


Does Faith or Science Best Explain Morality?

That question in the headline above captures at many levels the essential debate that defines the post-modern era, especially as it relates to a host of social and other issues that regularly confront congressional aides, their bosses and the journalists that cover them. There is an incredible wealth of material available now on the Internet…


Here’s The Impossible Task For Atheists

Logic in many respects is the point where the debate between Christian and atheist advocates reaches the decisive questions each must confront: How does something come from nothing if God doesn’t exist and how can either’s answer be demonstrated? I’m a journalist by training, not a philosopher and certainly not a mathematician, so I claim…


So What If Jesus Isn’t A Myth Like Santa Claus And The Easter Bunny?

Let’s stipulate — just for the purposes of honest discussion and open inquiry — that Jesus is not like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny or Thor or … you get the drift. And if you are wondering why you should stipulate here, check this out: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwXx_EQuQdQ] By the way, the above illustration was…


Jesus Didn’t Say He’s The Only Way?

Actually, He did say that, many times. So many times that it amazes me whenever somebody tells me — as I often hear — something along the lines of “But Jesus never claimed to be the only way to get to Heaven.” I’m often tempted upon hearing those words to ask if He didn’t, why…


Should Christians Be In Politics?

People from all over the country come to Capitol Hill to work, and many of them come from faith backgrounds that span the spectrum from evangelical Christian all the way over to the party animals in the First Church of the What’s Happenin’ Now, Baby. A recurring question is what is the proper role of…


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