CONSIDER THIS: Look What Your Daddy’s Sperm Went Through To Help You Become The World’s Only YOU

If you’ve ever read Homer’s duo, “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey,” Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness,” John Steinbeck’s “Grapes of Wrath,” or Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road,” you know something about how deeply meaningful and complex literary journeys can be.

But the complexity of challenges overcome in the journey taken by the single sperm from your father to unite with the egg from your mother that produced you — the you like whom there is no other human being anywhere in the world — make those literary wanderings pale by comparison.

That complexity is wonderfully depicted in the following 5:42 video produced by Nucleus Medical Media, beginning with the fact that at the outset of its long trek that single sperm cell from your father was just one of an estimated 300 million that set out at the same time. Can you guess what are the odds that one in 300 million sperm cells actually completed the journey?

But wait! There’s more!! Dr. Jonathan McLatchie’s PhD in Evolutionary Biology is from Newcastle University. In the latest edition of the Discovery Institute’s “Evolution News and Science Today,” he offers the following observation:

“Human reproduction is perhaps the quintessential example of teleology in biology. The process by which a fertilized egg develops into an infant over the space of nine months reveals exquisite engineering and ingenious design. Before this intricate process can even begin, there is a need for a sperm cell to fuse with an ovum — each carrying, in the case of humans, 23 chromosomes. This incredible feat bears the unmistakable hallmarks of conscious intent and foresight.”

Or put another way, as he does in his title, the unmistakeable hallmarks of irreducible complexity – a process of development that requires a precisely coordinated sequence of steps that McLatchie and a growing chorus of others in the sciences contend cannot be explained by modern, materialistic evolutionary theory.

You need not agree with everything or anything McLatchie writes in his “On the Irreducible Complexity of Sperm Cells” to appreciate the amazing journey depicted in the video. But it just might give you reason to re-think some of your basic assumptions and in the process come to a clearer understanding of how you perceive this shared reality in which we live and breathe.


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  1. KTorres on July 6, 2023 at 9:43 pm


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