WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? Definitions Matter, Especially About ‘Rights’

Just because you want something like a higher salary or a more expensive car than your neighbor does not make it a “right.”

Want to win a debate before it begins? Define the terms. Listen to any panel of talking heads on cable television and you soon realize that when people talk past one another, it is often a result of using the same terms, but with entirely different meanings.

The Colson Center’s Shane Morris takes up this reality in the latest “What Would You Say” video. Morris makes the important point that, as the Declaration of Independence makes clear, human rights come from God and it is the job of government to protect those rights.

“When a human law contradicts that moral law, it’s no law at all. In the 20th century, this was the basis for the Civil Rights movement, in which Martin Luther King, Jr., declared that segregation laws violated the God-given rights of African Americans, and therefore were no laws at all,” Morris notes.


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