DID YOU KNOW: The Number One Reason Many People Think The Bible Is Confusing

John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Nobody alive today was around the last time the Bible was not the best-selling book in America. Sales of Bibles in all of its multiple translations total around $500 million in the U.S. year-in and year-out. But people often call the Bible “confusing” or “hard to understand.”

Why is it the book that outsells every other book every year and that George Gallup claims is found in 90 percent of American homes isn’t well understood? The answer, according to Gallup, is the reality that while “we revere the Bible,” in fact “we don’t read it.”

Well, no wonder! If you never read it, odds are good you will be confused by it if and when you do pick up a Bible and start reading through it. And regardless of where you are in life, reading the Bible is the most important single thing you can do.

In the following 6:46 video, Kyle Butt of the Apologetics Press explains why reading the Bible – actually reading it and seeking to understand it’s teachings – can make all the difference in your life, now and forever:

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